Trail Enhancements and Interpretive Signage
Trail Enhancements and Interpretive Signage
The LWSS has completed a number of trail enhancements around the Lakelse watershed.
In 2015, a kiosk, bridge, and parking lot were updated at the Granite Creek/Gunsite Lake Trail.
Also in 2015, the bridge at Clearwater Lakes Trail was updated. In 2018, twelve interpretive signs and two new benches were installed along the trail. In 2022, we added three new interpretive signs to the collection.
In 2019, seven interpretive signs were created and installed along the Twin Spruce Trail at Furlong Bay Campground. In 2022, we added a freshwater mussels sign to the collection.
Granite Creek/Gunsight Lake Trail
Clearwater Lakes Trail
Trail Upgrades
New Outhouse
Bat Box
Interpretive Sign
Volunteers who helped with the new bridge
Skeena Middle School students who helped build and install stands for new interpretive signs
Furlong Bay
Installing signs on the trail
One of seven new signs
Interested in helping out the next time we’re installing new interpretive signage or upgrading a trail?