The Biggest year
Birdwatching Contest
Contest will run from January 15th, 2024 to December 1st, 2024
Must be a 2024 LWSS member by May 31st, 2024 to enter (if you are not yet a member, you can fill out our membership form)
Memberships with multiple people in the household count as one competitor
Minimum 10 species sightings
$500 cash – winner is by draw from all submissions
A nice pair of binoculars – winner is by the greatest number of species observed
LWSS clothing prizes – top 3 photos submitted
Each bird sighting must include:
Date and time observed
GPS coordinates of a bird’s sighting
Bird species ID
Photo of the bird is recommended but not mandatory. If not submitting a bird photo, submit a photo of the person birdwatching.
submissions are through iNaturalist
Create an account for / sign in to the iNaturalist app or website.
Under the projects tab join The Biggest Year project.
For each bird observation in the Lakelse Watershed ensure you submit it on the app or website and double check that you are a part of The Biggest Year project.
Bird sightings must take place within the Lakelse watershed
Points on this map are given as inspiration for some areas to visit where you could see birds. Your observations need to be within the green area, but do not need to be at these locations.
If you are unable to make an iNaturalist account, you can:
1) Ask us any questions you may have
2) Submit your observations by email